social committee Chairman

Donnie weaver



The Social Committee plans and organizes the neighborhood get together’s for Fall Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, 4th of July parade, and Christmas party. Anyone with enthusiasm and creativity would be a welcome addition. Time commitment is focused during the week or so prior to the event, except for Fall Festival, which requires a bit more planning.

landscaping committee Chairman

Rose Johnson

Phone: (402)498-9924

The Landscaping Committee needs your help. Our current responsibilities include maintaining the established landscaped areas associated with Bent Creek. Some of these areas include the islands and entrances by Blondo Street and by 156th and Cuming Street, as well as the flowerbeds by the park and along the bike trail. We will be planting, weeding, mulching, trimming and having fun. Please consider joining our committee or donating a few hours of your time to assist with our spring clean-up or summer maintenance. No experience required. Call or email Rose Johnson to volunteer. HELP US KEEP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD BEAUTIFUL!

X-Mas Decorating committee Chairman

Lindsay Cassidy



The Christmas Decorating Committee will manage the decoration of our entrances to our neighborhood and coordinating volunteers to accomplish this task.

The Architectural Committee will review plans when an owner desires to construct improvements to their property. The review process is intended to ensure that the improvements comply with the Bent Creek Neighborhood's covenants to promote and enhance the quality of our neighborhood.

architectural committee CHairman

Mark Sanford

Phone: (402)598-0442


The Garage Sale Committee is responsible for planning & organizing the annual neighborhood garage sale, development & delivery of fliers throughout the neighborhood & preparing the maps of participating households. We also put out and pick up signs regarding garage sales on the major streets around our neighborhood. Another responsibility is placing an Ad in the Omaha World Herald.

garage sale committee chairman

kathy paul



The Website Committee is responsible for designing, developing and maintaining a Website for the Bent Creek Homeowners. Our goal is to provide up to date information about our neighborhood, whether it’s news, meeting schedules, events or special announcements. We want you to have the information available at your finger tips.

Website Committee chairman

Mandy jensen

